Do Your Employee Know Your Mission

I ask this question often to my business owning friends.

Do your employees know what your mission is?

Some of them say : ” What a stupid question, why they need to know where I want to be”

Imagine you want to trek a mountain peak, and you know where you want to go but not your team knows it.

You have a series of mountains to trek to reach the goal, team is wondering, where you want to end up….

Some of them will leave you in between…..and will join another group….

Some of them will give up……

Some of them will go with you but energy less…..

What if you had clearly mentioned to them that your mission is to hit that peak……

Before leaving they will analyze whether other group is having a better mission or not……

Even if they think of giving up, your mission keeps them re-energize….

They will feel like entrepreneurs, not like hired employees……..they will follow you….and your mission…..

Make sure that they get what they deserve, post and during this journey out of your mission.

Reinforce your “mission” to stakeholders everyday in your actions & company’s actions.
Let’s connect the dots of every work being done & the ultimate result…….


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